Support for key affected groups from Ukraine coming to Poland
Grantor: AidsFonds/Eurasian Harm Reduction Association (fiscal agent)
May – July 2022
Stationary, outreach and online activities aimed to provide support in accessing treatment (HIV, opioid substitution therapy) and harm reduction services. The teams working in the project consisted of peer workers – Ukrainian-speaking people with lived experience. Project activities: provision of information on support services, distribution of information and prevention materials (needles and syringes), material aid, emotional support, assistance in accessing public services, assistance in reaching organizations helping refugees.
Mercy Corps
Prekursor Support for PWUD and PLHIV from Ukraine coming to Poland
Grantor: Mercy Corps
September 2022 – June 2023
Provision of support in accessing treatment (HIV, substitution treatment), harm reduction services and information on support services. Assistance provided stationary, in the form outreach and online, by teams including peer workers – people with lived experience speaking Ukrainian. Activities offered by the project: distribution of information and prevention materials (needles and syringes), material aid, emotional support, assistance in reaching public services, assistance in reaching organizations helping refugees.